An urgent, fascinating exploration of warfare - past, present and future - and what we must do if we want to win today from an 82nd Airborne veteran, former private military contractor, and professor of war studies at the National Defense University.

In an era where traditional warfare strategies no longer apply, Sean McFate’s The New Rules of War offers a revolutionary perspective on the evolving nature of global conflict. Praised as a modern-day Sun Tzu, McFate delves deep into the complexities of 21st-century warfare, challenging the conventional military wisdom that has dominated for centuries.

Durable Disorder: The New Global Reality

At the heart of McFate’s thesis is the concept of Durable Disorder—a world where the clear lines between peace and war have blurred. Traditional nation-states are losing their monopoly on power as corporations, mercenaries, and rogue actors rise. This new reality requires a fundamental shift in how we understand and engage in warfare.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

McFate argues that the old rules of war, which focused on overwhelming military force and state-centric strategies, are obsolete. In today’s world, wars are no longer won by sheer firepower. Instead, they are fought in the shadows, through information warfare, economic pressure, and proxy conflicts. The battlefield has expanded beyond physical spaces to include cyberspace, the media, and the global economy.

The Rise of Non-State Actors

One of the most striking insights in The New Rules of War is McFate’s analysis of non-state actors. In the past, nation-states were the primary players in global conflict. Today, however, private military contractors, terrorist organizations, and multinational corporations wield significant power, often operating outside traditional legal frameworks. This shift has profound implications for how wars are fought and who wins them.

Strategies for the Future

McFate doesn’t just identify the problems with the current state of warfare; he offers practical solutions. He advocates for a more flexible, adaptive approach to conflict—one that embraces the chaotic nature of Durable Disorder. This means leveraging new technologies, embracing unconventional tactics, and understanding that the key to victory lies not in destruction, but in influence.

A Must-Read for the Modern Strategist

The New Rules of War is more than just a book; it’s a guide for navigating the uncertain terrain of modern conflict. Whether you’re a military professional, a policymaker, or simply someone interested in global affairs, McFate’s insights will change the way you think about war. In a world where the old rules no longer apply, this book is an essential resource for understanding the future of warfare.


As we move further into the 21st century, the nature of conflict will continue to evolve. The New Rules of War provides a timely and necessary framework for understanding and navigating this new reality. Sean McFate has given us a roadmap for winning wars in the age of Durable Disorder—one that challenges us to rethink everything we know about war.

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