Eastern Orthodox Church

By gabrielggibson@gmail.com Jul 10, 2024


  • Origins: Dates back to early Christian communities in the Eastern Roman Empire.
  • Great Schism (1054): Split from Roman Catholic Church over theological and political issues.
  • Modern Era: Revival and expansion, especially among diaspora communities.


  • Trinity: One God in three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).
  • Incarnation: Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human.
  • Salvation: Process of theosis (becoming partakers of the divine nature).
  • Sacraments: Seven sacraments, including Baptism, Eucharist, and Marriage.
  • Holy Tradition: Bible and Church traditions (Fathers, liturgy, councils) are authoritative.


  • Divine Liturgy: Central worship service, especially the Eucharist.
  • Iconography: Use of icons in worship.
  • Fasting and Prayer: Regular fasting periods and a strong emphasis on prayer.
  • Monasticism: Monastic life is vital for spirituality and theology.


  • Autocephalous Churches: 14-16 self-governing bodies led by patriarchs or archbishops.
  • Ecumenical Patriarch: The Patriarch of Constantinople is the symbolic leader.

Presence: Strong in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Middle East, with growing communities worldwide.

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